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Ceci Heberling

Senior, Consultant since Fall 2015

Advice for writers
Don’t be overwhelmed by an assignment. Every piece you write, whether 3 pages or 30, is simply an argument. All that you need to do is state an argument via your thesis statement and prove it through evidence in your body paragraphs. Paper assignments can be intimidating, but if you stay focused on your argument you will be able to keep the process simple and write amazing papers!

How do you get started on a writing assignment?
Before I even get to the stage of writing my paper, I create a very detailed outline. I carefully read all of my sources and use a color-coded system to organize information from my sources into body paragraphs. I write a thesis statement that summarizes my argument and I construct an outline with all of my body paragraphs, including specific pieces of evidence as well as topic sentences.  Essentially, I create a map to guide myself through the writing process and ensure that my paper flows smoothly from point A to point B and concludes with a proven argument.