Campus Ministry at St. Norbert College
Rooted in the love of Jesus Christ, Catholic Tradition, and the Norbertine values of radical hospitality, communio, action and contemplation, and service to the local community, Campus Ministry seeks to cultivate the faith and spiritual life of all students, faculty, and staff through transformative encounters with God, self, and others.
SNC Parish and Campus Ministry invite you to attend our regularly scheduled offerings throughout the year:
Sunday Mass at 10 am & 7 pm at Old St. Joe’s
Weekday Mass at Noon at Old St. Joe’s
Knight Mass for SNC Students on Wednesdays at 8 pm in the Sensenbrenner Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration Mondays 12:30-8 pm at Old St. Joe’s
Confessions Offered Regularly
Thin Place Worship Service Sundays at 5:30 pm in the Campus Ministry Student Center (twice per month)
Encounter Program
Encounter: A First Look on Monday nights in the First Year Residence Halls
Encounter: A Deeper Dive on Tuesdays 7:30-8:30 pm in the Campus Ministry Student Center
Navigate: An Exploration of Life and Vocation (monthly group meetings)
Retreats scheduled at various times throughout the year.
Connect With Us
You can reach our main office by calling 920-403-3155 or emailing campusministry@snc.edu.Follow Campus Ministry on Instagram.
Have access to mySNC? See what’s next on our calendar of events.