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St. Norbert College community participates in "Make a Difference Day"

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From St. Norbert College, October 14, 2009
by Mike Counter,, (920) 403-3089

On Saturday, Oct. 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., St. Norbert College students, faculty and staff will participate in Make a Difference Day. Members of the college community will help the De Pere elderly winterize their homes by raking leaves, cleaning gutters, wash windows, and more. Students will also be collecting donations to help the charitable efforts of St. Norbert College's Habitat for Humanity and their goal of reaching $10,000 before December to fund a local home build.
Interested De Pere community members who would like to participate in Make a Difference Day should contact the St. Norbert College Residence Hall Association through Sienna Rauterkus at (715) 853-7635.
Make a Difference Day was created by USA Weekend Magazine and is an annual event scheduled for the fourth Saturday of October nationwide. St. Norbert is marking the day a week earlier than most because homecoming falls on Oct. 24.

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