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St. Norbert College celebrates seventh annual students and faculty/staff collaborations

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From St. Norbert College, March 15, 2010
by Mike Counter,, (920) 403-3089

An event celebrating student and faculty/staff collaborations at St. Norbert College will be held Tuesday, March 30, from 2 to 5 p.m., in the Sensenbrenner Memorial Union (second floor). A reception and recognition ceremony for all participants begins at 4:30 p.m. The event, hosted by the offices of the dean of the college and faculty development, is free and open to the public.

"This celebration puts a spotlight on the extraordinary work our faculty and staff do in working on research projects and creative works collaboratively with our students," said Michael Marsden, dean of the college and academic vice president. "These experiences are an important part of the transformative educational experience we offer at St. Norbert College."

"Celebrating Student and Faculty/Staff Collaborations" will highlight St. Norbert College's tradition of encouraging student and faculty/staff collaborations, which has resulted in an array of scholarly research as well as creative works. A record 43 projects involving 59 students and 30 faculty/staff will be showcased. They span humanities and fine arts, natural sciences, social sciences, interdisciplinary work, student affairs, career services and more.

The program, listing collaborator names, titles, project titles and abstract and presentation time(s) can be found at:

"We are celebrating the life of the mind at work across campus in labs, studios and in other scholarly or creative settings," said Linda Beane-Katner, director of faculty development at St. Norbert College.

For more information, contact Gayle Lenz at 920-403-3860 or

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