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Jean van Stratum to discuss book on St. Norbert College Founder, Abbot Pennings

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From St. Norbert Abbey, March 21, 2011
by Judy Turba,, 920-3374312

St. Norbert Abbey, De Pere, announces the release of the biography, Bernard Henry Pennings, O. Praem., Founder of the Norbertine Order in the USA., (Paisa Publishing, 2010). Author Dr. Jean van Stratum will be offering lectures throughout the area about this Dutch missionary who altered the educational and religious landscape of Northeast Wisconsin and beyond.

About the book: The Norbertine motto "Prepared for Every Good Work" along with the European missionary zeal of his time was catalyst for Fr. Bernard Pennings' decision in 1893 to leave the safety of Berne Abbey in the Netherlands and travel to the state of Wisconsin. He was followed by 25 confreres who, under his leadership, placed their stamp and charism on pastoral work and education in Northeast Wisconsin and beyond. The book follows Pennings from his childhood days in Gemert, the Netherlands, to his travels and experiences in Wisconsin during which time he founded the Norbertine Order in the United States, various secondary schools and a college.

Dr. Jean van Stratum's presentations will take place at the following locations. All are open to the public.

Tuesday, March 29 -- 7 p.m. Abbot Bernard Pennings and his Impact on Northeast Wisconsin
Brown County Library -- downtown

Thursday, March 31 -- 7 p.m. Reminisces of Abbot Pennings
Panel Discussion and Book Launch
F.K. Bemis International Center -- St. Norbert College
Tuesday, April 5 -- 6:30 p.m. Lecture, Book signing and Reception
St. Norbert Abbey -- Killeen Room

Thursday, April 7 -- 6:30 p.m. Book signing
Reader's Loft, Green Bay
For additional information, please call the Norbertine Center for Spirituality at St. Norbert Abbey, 1016 N. Broadway, De Pere, at 920-337-4315.

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