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De Pere Community Night at St. Norbert College, John (Jack) Van Enkenvort named Silver Knight Award winner

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From St. Norbert College, September 22, 2004
by Mike Counter,, (920) 403-3089

DE PERE: Considered to be the backbone of Little League baseball in De Pere, John (Jack) Van Enkenvort will be awarded the 2004 Civis Princeps Silver Knight Award from St. Norbert College. Van Enkenvort will be honored Monday, Oct. 18 at De Pere Community Night. Initiated 37 years ago by Fr. Dennis Burke, O Praem., the second president of St. Norbert College, the Silver Knight Award recognizes a resident of De Pere who exemplifies the Norbertine tradition of self-emptying service to the community. Van Enkenvort has been sharing his time and talents in the De Pere Little League program for 41 years, 24 of which he served as president of the organization. Retired from the City of De Pere Fire Department as a lieutenant, Van Enkenvort has five children, four girls and one boy. He has been a member of the Knights of Columbus for 13 years and was a Cub Scouts leader for three years. Van Enkenvort works part-time for Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. He is a member of St. Mary Parish in De Pere. Tickets ($17) to the dinner are available. For ticket information, contact Ruth Hunter at 403-4011.

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