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St. Norbert College S.T.A.R. program receives Great Lakes grant

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From St. Norbert College, September 12, 2012
by Stefanie Trinkl,, 920-403-3089

St. Norbert College's academic support program, Students Taking Academic Responsibility (S.T.A.R.), received a $61,606 grant from Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation. The award was part of $1.8 million in grants to 14 programs helping Wisconsin college students from disadvantaged backgrounds complete their degree, diploma or certificate.

Programs funded by Great Lakes grants have developed specific strategies to address the unique challenges that their participating students face. Specialized services may include proactive advising, tutoring, mentoring, career exploration assistance and placement in structured learning communities. The goal of each program is to increase its participants' re-enrollment rates compared to those of similarly situated peers.

The St. Norbert College S.T.A.R. program provides services to assist first year multicultural and/or first-generation college students in adjusting to their new environment and overcoming challenges they may face. Through the program, students are able to participate in weekly meals, tutoring sessions and meetings throughout the year to develop academic skills and build meaningful relationships.

For more information on Great Lakes' grants visit or contact Amy Kerwin at 608-246-1785. For more information on the St. Norbert College S.T.A.R program, contact St. Norbert College's office of multicultural student services at 920-403-4092 or via e-mail at

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