Lineup Announced for St. Norbert College Distinguished Lecture Series
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From St. Norbert College, January 13, 2014
by Stefanie Trinkl,, 920-403-3089
The St. Norbert College Distinguished Lecture Series will begin on Saturday, Jan.18, at 9 a.m. The series brings St. Norbert College professors to Door County to discuss a broad range of provocative subjects. Lectures will take place on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. at the Door County Auditorium, 3926 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, Wis. The series is open to the public and free-will donations are encouraged.
Following are the topics and speakers for the 2014 series:
Jan. 18: "Gracious Hosts: Bacterial Colonization of the Human Body," presented by associate professor of biology David Hunnicutt. Hunnicutt will talk about the recent advances in genomics and microbiology that help us understand the friendly bacteria in our bodies and how they interact with us, their hosts. This talk will focus on recent studies describing the "human microbiome" and how such work opens up new ways of thinking about health, disease and what it means to be human.
Jan. 25: "Political Flip-Flop Advertisements: Exploring Popular Culture Political Advertising," presented by assistant professor of communications and media studies Mark Glantz. The lecture will examine the form and content of political ads that are inconsistent or "flip-flop," while noting similarities to popular culture texts such as romantic comedies, pop songs and the media surrounding professional athletes. Ultimately, the talk will encourage voters to carefully examine political advertising and to think critically about charges of political inconsistency.
Feb. 8: "Under the Sea: Fossils From an Ancient Ocean," presented by assistant professor of geology Rebecca McKean. In this presentation, McKean will discuss the ocean that covered Utah 90 million years ago and the fossils that its marine life left behind. Questions such as the size of the ocean, how the fossils were preserved and how paleontologists study them will be answered.
Feb. 15: "Are We There Yet? Travel and the American Imagination," presented by associate professor of English Deirdre Egan-Ryan. Looking to American literature, maps, advertisements and art, Egan-Ryan will examine the American appetite for travel and expanded horizons, suggesting that this journeying through space is deeply embedded in our national identity.
Feb. 22: "Does National Culture Matter in Management?" presented by assistant professor of business administration Jamie O'Brien. This presentation will look at how national culture affects management style and a company's competitive edge. Factors such as individualism, collectivism, masculinity and planning techniques will be discussed. O'Brien will propose that understanding the effects of national culture on management is key for organizations in the United States, especially if expansion overseas is being considered.
For more information, please visit the Door County Auditorium at or call 920-868-2728.