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iOme Challenge Earns Governor Scott Walker's Financial Literacy Award

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From St. Norbert College, March 7, 2014
by Mike Counter,, 920-403-3089

The iOme Challenge, a national initiative to get young people to begin planning for their future financial security, has been chosen by the Wisconsin Governor's Council on Financial Literacy as a recipient of the Governor's Financial Literacy Award.

iOme (I-owe-me) was established in 2009 and is organized and administered by David Wegge, professor of political science and executive director of the Strategic Research Institute at St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wis.

Adi Redzic, a 2009 graduate of St. Norbert and the executive director of the iOme Challenge, accepted the award in Madison, Wis., on Feb. 26.

"We are deeply humbled by this recognition and feel fortunate that our innovative work in financial education and empowerment is being recognized by Governor Walker," said Redzic. "This award is a testament to the vision and hard work of many different people who make up our iOme community, to the Millennials who have been impacted by our work and to all those who have made our effort possible through their generous support and encouragement."

The iOme Challenge organization focuses on encouraging college students to invest now in their lifelong financial security. In addition to the annual contest, iOme also conducts an annual national study of the Millennial generation (The Measure of Millennials) and facilitates an iOme Money Smart Week video contest in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's Money Smart Week program.

For more information, go to

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