St. Norbert College's Cassandra Voss Center to Feature bell hooks
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From St. Norbert College, March 26, 2014
by Stefanie Trinkl,, 920-403-3089
St. Norbert College will host noted author, scholar and cultural critic bell hooks April 15-16 on the St. Norbert College campus. The event is the highlight of the Cassandra Voss Center's "year of bell hooks" programming and is free and open to the public.
On Tuesday, April 15, hooks will lecture from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the Walter Theatre. On Wednesday, April 16, hooks will present an offering during sacred hour at 10 a.m. in Old St. Joseph Church, and will also read her children's books at 4:15 p.m. in the Cassandra Voss Center.
A retiring but canonical American author who has been described as "sitting on feminism's 'Mount Rushmore,'" hooks has been honored as a leading public intellectual by The Atlantic Monthly and has authored more than 35 books and numerous scholarly and mainstream articles. Her writing has addressed race, class and gender in education, art, history, sexuality, mass media and feminism. She is a member of the faculty at Berea College, served as scholar-in-residence at The New School, and in November 2014 will present the keynote address at the National Women's Studies Association conference in Puerto Rico.
The Cassandra Voss Center opened on Sept. 18, 2013, as the new home for scholarly and extracurricular gender-related programming on the St. Norbert College campus. Its "year of bell hooks" programming celebrated hooks with a year of programs and events dedicated to her work.
For more information, visit or contact the Cassandra Voss Center at 920-403-1342 or