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St. Norbert College team wins Human Resources Games North Central Region Championship, on to nationals in June

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From St. Norbert College, April 19, 2004
by Mike Counter,, (920) 403-3089

DE PERE: St. Norbert College Human Resources (HR) Games team captured their second straight North Central Region HR Games crown in Ypsilanti, Mich., April 17. St. Norbert defeated Capital University, (Columbus, Ohio) 5,600 points to 3,800 points. The North Central region HR games consisted of 25 teams from 18 colleges and universities. St. Norbert College HR Team will participate in the national championships June 27-30, 2004, in New Orleans, La., where they will compete against four other teams from around the nation. Sponsored by the Society for Human Resource management (SHRM), the HR Games is an event for SHRM student chapters designed to foster friendly competition between colleges and universities while providing a positive and fun way to prepare for the human resource management profession. It consists of a one-or two-day series of game show style matches, between teams of up to three undergraduate students. The St. Norbert College HR Games team consists of Doug Bissing, a junior business and economics major from De Pere; Lottie Leibham, a sophomore accounting major from Random Lake, Wis.; and Jennifer Oja, a senior business major from Suring, Wis. Matthew Stollak, assistant professor of business administration at St. Norbert College, is their coach and advisor. For their efforts, each member of the St. Norbert College HR Games team receives a $170 certification exam scholarship and complimentary registration for SHRM's annual conference. The team receives $4,500 for travel expenses. This will be the second year in a row that St. Norbert College will represent the North Central region at the national competition. In 2003, the HR Games team was named co-national champions with Mississippi State University.

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