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Yesiltas to Deliver “Great Decisions” Lecture

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From St. Norbert College, February 11, 2015
by Erich Wegenke,, 920-403-3089

Ozum Yesiltas, visiting assistant professor of political science at St. Norbert College, will present a lecture entitled "Syria's Refugee Crisis" on Wednesday, Feb. 25, as part of the Great Decisions lecture series. Yesiltas will examine how the international community can come to the aid of Syrian refugees, who now constitute one of the largest refugee populations in the world. The lecture will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Fort Howard Theater of the F.K. Bemis International Center on the St. Norbert College campus. General admission is $5 at the door, but is free for St. Norbert students, faculty and staff.

Yesiltas' lecture is the second installment in the 2015 Great Decisions series, a nationwide program meant to bring together local, regional and national experts to discuss various issues of international interest. The eight-part lecture series is presented on Wednesdays starting in February and running to April. St. Norbert College is one of three institutions of higher learning in Wisconsin that offers the entire series. Great Decisions is sponsored by the St. Norbert College Center for International Education.

For more information, contact the St. Norbert College Center for International Education at 920-403-4075 or visit

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