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Mark Kaiser to Speak at St. Norbert College for CEO Breakfast and Strategy Series

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From St. Norbert College, January 24, 2017
by Matthew Matuszak,, 920-403-3089

Mark Kaiser will speak in the F. K. Bemis International Conference Center on the St. Norbert College campus on Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 7:30 a.m. in a session of the 19th annual CEO Breakfast and Strategy Series. Kaiser is the CEO of Lindquist Machine Corporation and will present on "Crucial Conversations: Creating an Intentional Culture."

The registration fee is $60; registration for the entire 8-session series is $450. To register, visit

This is the nineteenth year that St. Norbert College has provided this educational resource for area business professionals. All of the presenters are outstanding business and community leaders who share their unique strategies for meeting challenges facing American businesses today. The presenting sponsor for the CEO Series is WPS Health Insurance/Arise Health Plan, and the title sponsors are Wipfli, Johnson Bank, Johnson Insurance and Insight Publications.

For more information, contact Jamie McGuire at 920-403-3166, email or visit

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