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St. Norbert College Receives Nearly $1 Million National Science Foundation Grant

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From St. Norbert College, July 11, 2019
by Mike Counter,, 920-403-3089

The National Science Foundation has awarded St. Norbert College a $998,759 grant for the project entitled “Community-building, Mentoring, and Research Experiences to Develop Undergraduate STEM Majors’ Scientific Identities and Preparation for STEM Careers.”

This project will contribute to the national need for well-educated scientists, mathematicians, engineers and technicians by supporting the retention and graduation of high-achieving, low-income students with demonstrated need at St. Norbert College. Over its five-year duration, this project will fund four years of scholarships to 18 students who are pursuing bachelor’s degrees in any of the STEM fields of biology, chemistry, computer science, environmental science, geology, mathematics and physics.

“We are all very excited to receive this National Science Foundation grant,” said Anindo Choudhury, professor of biology and environmental science at St. Norbert College. “This nearly $1million grant is one of the largest single grants the college has ever received.”

St. Norbert will provide two consecutive cohorts of nine academically accomplished incoming science students – eighteen in total – who may not otherwise have the economic opportunity with financial support to help with tuition, funding for research or internships with mentors during all summers they’re here, and a variety of other programming during the year. The first cohort of nine students will enter in 2020, followed by a second cohort in 2021.

“This grant is doubly gratifying because it resonates deeply with the mission of our institution as a Norbertine, Catholic liberal arts college,” added Choudhury.
For more information about the grant, contact David Bailey, associate dean of natural sciences and professor of biology, at

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