St. Norbert College Announces "He Walks Through Lightning"
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From St. Norbert College, February 14, 2024
by Lily Maier,, 920-403-3153
St. Norbert College is celebrating 125 years and will host a showing of, “He Walks Through Lightning,” commissioned by St. Norbert Abbey. This matinee production, by Still Point
Theatre Collective, is a one-act play about St. Norbert that invites the audience to travel back 900 years for a glimpse into the life and calling of Norbert of Xanten. The event will
be on Sunday, March 3, at 2 p.m. in the Webb Theatre at the Abbot Pennings Hall of Fine Arts, 315 Third St.
After the showing, there will be a question-and-answer panel to learn more about St. Norbert from the actor who portrays Norbert as well as St. Norbert College faculty member
the Rev. Matthew Dougherty, O.Praem, and Michael Holstead, director of the Center for Norbertine Studies. This event is open and free to the public, with limited seating. Tickets
can be purchased at
St. Norbert College "celebrating its 125th anniversary during the 2023-24 academic year" is known for its academic excellence, focus on international awareness, and leadership
and service opportunities. Founded in 1898 by the Rev. Bernard Pennings, O.Praem., St. Norbert College provides an education that is academically, personally and spiritually
challenging. U.S. News & World Report’s guide to “America’s Best Colleges” ranks St. Norbert College among the top liberal arts colleges in the nation. The Princeton Review lists
St. Norbert as one of the Best Midwestern Colleges, and the college has been named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll with distinction. The
college is in the midst of the Support What Matters campaign, a $125 million fundraising initiative timed to align with the college’s 125th anniversary that focuses on preserving,
enhancing and amplifying the things that make a St. Norbert education unique.
For more information, contact Julie Massey at