OSMS Executive Sandy Fragale to Present St. Norbert College CEO Breakfast Series Lecture
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From St. Norbert College, February 29, 2024
by Eva Westein, eva.westein@snc.edu, 920-403-3153
Sandy Fragale, CEO of Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Specialists (OSMS), will present “Leading From the Head to the Heart” in the next installment of the 25th season of the
CEO Breakfast Series at St. Norbert College. The event will be held Wednesday, March 27, from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., in the Hendrickson Dining Room of the F. K. Bemis Conference
Center at St. Norbert College.
A Green Bay native, Fragale began her career at KPMG in Milwaukee and eventually moved back to the Green Bay area to work at Schenck & Associates. In 2001, she made the
move to OSMS. Under her leadership, OSMS has grown from 16 employees and five physicians with one clinic in Green Bay, to more than 300 team members and 28 physicians
and clinics in Green Bay, Marinette and Neenah. Fragale credits her success to the belief that the culture in any organization is what will make it successful. She believes that
helping foster a positive culture at OSMS is the single most important thing she does.
Through the college’s Donald J. Schneider School of Business & Economics, the CEO Breakfast Series is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for local businesspeople to meet face-to-face
with some of the most respected leaders in the business community and to network with other leaders in the region. Speakers share their unique strategies for facing specific
business challenges. Topics are selected by the speakers, and their comments are candid, insightful and not likely to be heard in public elsewhere.
Register for individual sessions at $60 per session at http://www.snc.edu/go/ceobreakfast, by email at schneiderschool@snc.edu or by phone at 920-403-3449. A portion of the
proceeds will go toward the Phil Hauck Scholarship Fund, which will benefit an individual pursuing a Schneider School MBA or participating in the Center for Exceptional