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Killeen Chair lecture series at St. Norbert College presents: "Fear Rules: What is Distinctive about 21st Century Fear?"

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From St. Norbert College, September 10, 2007
by Jordan Vater,, (920) 403-3089

The Killeen Chair lecture series at St. Norbert College will present Frank Furedi and "Fear Rules: What is Distinctive About 21st Century Fear?" on Thursday, Sept. 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fort Howard Theater, Bemis International Center at St. Norbert College. The event is free and open to the public. Frank Furedi is a professor of sociology at the University of Kent and an internationally recognized expert on fear in our broader culture. He has written several books, including "The Culture of Fear," "Paranoid Parenting" and "Politics of Fear: Beyond Left and Right." His books have focused on a wide variety of topics, from parenting to crisis in public life. The Killeen Chair of Theology and Philosophy was established in 1984 to bring figures in the fields of theology and philosophy to the St. Norbert College campus. The Killeen Chair draws attention to the importance of theology and philosophy in a Catholic, liberal arts education and highlights the commitment of St. Norbert College to provide an education that is personally, intellectually and spiritually challenging. The Killeen Chair is an appropriate way of honoring Abbot Killeen's many contributions to St. Norbert College, the Norbertine Order, and the wider community. For more information, call the Killeen Chair at (920) 403-3919 or visit their web site at

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