Medical Withdrawal
A medical withdrawal is defined as a physical or mental health condition that developed after the established last date to withdraw without penalty and is severe enough to keep a student from attending classes and/or successfully completing academic requirements. Additionally, a medical withdrawal can be defined as a physical or mental health issue that developed before the last day to withdraw without penalty, but the condition did not respond to treatment as expected. Students must document that they had been seeing a physical or mental health provider before the last date to withdraw without penalty; that the provider felt the student would respond to treatment and be able to finish the session successfully but that any expected positive outcomes did not occur because of medical reasons.
Medical withdrawal requests must begin in the Office of Academic Success, Support and Accessibility (OASSA) to properly collect medical documentation from a licensed provider. Off campus provider documents must be submitted to OASSA, following all HIPAA and FERPA standards. On occasion, documentation may be permissible from SNC campus services if an established relationship of care exists. The request will be sent to the Vice President of Academic Affairs once all documents have been collected by OASSA. If approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the registrar will be notified to withdraw the student based on the last date of attendance. The grade will be recorded based on the last date of attendance as follows:
During the add/drop period of classes — no record of enrollment
After the add/drop period of classes — recorded as “W”
All documents will be securely housed and retained according to HIPAA compliance in OASSA.
Please use this form to request a Medical Withdrawal
Contact Us
Temporary Location: Mulva Library, Rm 108
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-1321
Fax: 920-403-4021
Email: acadsupport@snc.edu
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