Registration deadline set for upcoming sports conference co-hosted by Packers, St. Norbert
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From St. Norbert College, May 6, 2010
by Mike Counter,, (920) 403-3089
A conference co-hosted by two local institutions is generating interest on a national scale. If you want to take in this unique three day event featuring big-name sports figures, the deadline to register is Wednesday, May 19.
"A Mirror of Our Culture: Sport and Society in America" is the result of a first-of-its-kind partnership between St. Norbert College and the Green Bay Packers. Slated for May 26-28, the conference is drawing academics, business professionals and media figures from around the country to explore the impact of sports on society.
Keynote speakers will include former National Football League commissioner Paul Tagliabue; sports, media and entertainment mogul Carl Vogel; Kevin Blackistone, national columnist for AOL FanHouse and panelist on ESPN's "Around the Horn"; and Boise State University President Robert Kustra. In addition, dozens of academics and practitioners will deliver papers and presentations on a wide range of topics related to American sports. Events will take place both at Lambeau Field and on the St. Norbert College campus.
The conference will include a curated exhibit of sports photography and a film festival, and "Best of Show" awards will be given in both.
The conference registration fee of $275 includes: a dinner and photography exhibit and film festival awards for all attendees in the Legends Club Area at Lambeau Field; three days of luncheons; several daily coffee breaks; a guided tour of Lambeau Field; admission to the Packers Hall of Fame; access to the keynote addresses; all concurrent and roundtable sessions; and admission to photography gallery and all film/video showings.
Go to to register and be a part of this unique conference. For more information, contact Karen Cleereman, conference administrative coordinator, at or (920) 403-3777.
Conference sponsors include Time Warner Cable, Independent Printing and Kahler Slater|Sports experience design.