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Krissy Lukens ’92 spoke on her chosen topic, "If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, a Map is Worth a Million."

SNCtalks Debuts to an Appreciative Audience

Friday, March 4, St. Norbert College’s new SNCtalks program made its debut in the Walter Theatre on campus.

These TEDx-style presentations were given by SNC students, staff, faculty and alumni, each reflecting the unique passions and experiences of the speakers. This year’s participants were asked to address the topic “Own Your Impact,” one of St. Norbert College’s pillars of respect.

The lineup of speakers featured perspectives from many different walks of life. From a mathematics professor to a fifth-grade teacher to a family physician to an SNC senior, each of the night’s speakers were able to share their unique story and perspective. And, with SNC’s first lady Carol Bruess ’90 hosting the event, SNC students, families and community members were able to engage with the speakers throughout the night.

SNCtalks speakers for this year included:

Individual SNCtalks presentations are available to watch on the college’s YouTube channel.

March 25, 2022