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Community-Engaged/Service-Learning Courses

Service-learning means using what you learn in the classroom to solve real-life problems in your community in a way that helps both you and the community.

Service-learning courses are courses where, as part of a class, you practically apply what you are learning by assisting a community organization. It’s a win-win.

The following courses. which have been taught with a Community-Engaged (CENG) component in the past, are useful to anyone who is ready to consider their relationship to the world around them. Please note:

  • The listing below includes courses that have been taught in the past with a community-engagement component.
  • The course offerings and inclusion/nature of a community-engaged component in the course may vary each term. 
  • You must view the detailed course timetable available in KnightLine for a current list and description of CENG courses. Search by, or look for, the "Commnty Engagment-Serv Learng" attribute in the timetable. 
Course Instructor(s)

ART 285A Art and a Democratic Society
This course explores the role of art in a democratic society through a combination of research, community engagement, and collaborative project development. To thrive, democratic societies need citizens to participate in their community for the common good. This participation has many forms and manifestations. To understand our role as citizens in a democracy we will explore the work of artists who critically or creatively examine ideas and forms of democracy. This course will familiarize students with the theory and practice of democracy through the emerging field of social practice art and its interdisciplinary, research-based, community-engaged methods.

Brandon Bauer

ART 330 Intermediate Printmaking
This course builds on themes of ART 230 and introduces new printmaking techniques. Through studio assignments, readings, and work with our community partner we consider the question of how our art can serve. In addition to making prints in the studio, students are responsible for visiting and maintaining appropriate relationship with our community partner. This is a time-intensive course that requires extensive self-directed work outside of class

Katie Ries

ART 366: Art & Creative Democracy
This course explores the intersections of art democracy through a combination of individual and collaborative research, project development, and community engagement. In this course students will develop democratic group-based social skills through the process of participating in a collaborative learning environment, through the community engagement learning component of the course, and through collaborative research and project development. Through this course student will enhance their personal and civic responsibility and engagement through direct civic participation, as well as through reflection upon democratic deliberation and ethical reasoning in action.

Brandon Bauer

ART 440 Advanced Printmaking
This course builds on themes of ART 330 and introduces new printmaking techniques. Through studio assignments, readings, and work with our community partner we consider the question of how our art can serve. In addition to making prints in the studio, students are responsible for visiting and maintaining appropriate relationship with our community partner. This is a time-intensive course that requires extensive self-directed work outside of class.

Katie Ries

BIOL 320A/BIOL320B Human Anatomy and Histology
Together, we will explore the human body from a regional perspective as we hone our skills of dissection and 3-D visualization, and develop our ability to problem solve using our knowledge. The class will be involved in an anatomy academy project in partnership with the YMCA after school program. This anatomy academy project is very important to the students. They will have a chance to get to know you a little bit, teach you about themselves, and then have an opportunity to learn from you while experiencing your learning environment. 

Deborah Anderson

BIOL 360A Medical Microbiology
A lecture and laboratory course dealing with the interaction between microbial pathogens and human hosts. A variety of bacterial, viral, and/or mycological or other eukaryotic pathogens will be examined in terms of their mechanisms of disease production and spread, interaction with the immune system, available treatments, and impact on human society. Diseases of historical importance as well as present day diseases will be included. Labs require prior mastery of standard microbiological culture and handling techniques and may include an experimental component. This course will also include a community-engaged project, where students will use their knowledge of infectious diseases help support the health of our community while building their scientific communication skills.

Elizabeth Danka

BUAD 372 Marketing Research
The market research process is all about finding information in order to solve a business problem. In this course, students will apply the market research process by engaging with a local nonprofit to help solve a real problem the organization is facing. Students will discuss with their nonprofits to determine what information is needed to solve their problem. We will then collect the data to provide us this information, analyze it, and then make recommendations to the organization.

Miles Condon

EDUC 101 FYS: Educational Foundations - All Sections
This foundational course in the teacher preparation program provides a framework for students to deeply and critically examine societal structures/challenges and their impact on the U.S. education system from multiple perspectives. The course addresses the development of schools as institutions from historical, philosophical, political, and sociological perspectives while considering the students, families, and communities schools serve. These topics are framed by discussions of teachers' roles within the education system. 

Reid Riggle

EDUC 102 Foundations of Education II: Psychology of Community-Engaged Education - All Sections 
This second foundational course introduces students to fundamental concepts associated with learning, motivation, human development, and assessment as they apply to teaching. The course helps students to construct conceptual frameworks with which to better understand how learning works, what motivates student learning, and how learning and motivational theories relate to evidence-based best practices. 

Reid Riggle

EDUC 103 Intro to Education
The course combines content from two classes, EDUC 101 and EDUC 102. This integrated course connects the curriculum through a broad examination of how research on learning/motivation/and development can drive school reform in ways that achieve high levels of learning of students from diverse backgrounds. This set of equality minded strategies helps us understand the nature of the education system in the United States, the strengths and challenges facing the system, and achievable changes that you can participate in as an educator.

Brent Brayko

ENGL 304 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
Students will participate in online and person-to-person small-group workshops with students at a local school, helping these students to create a finished piece (working through invention, workshop and revision). They will also share their own personal essays about the experience with the cooperating teacher.

Laurie MacDiarmid

ENGL/WMGS 310A Race and Sex in Contemporary U.S. Texts
In this course, students will perform service work to consider how social issues surrounding race and gender shape our community. By reading four bodies of ethnic literature in conversation with their service, students will reflect on their experiences and apply our course terms. In doing so, they will examine how local issues are connected to systemic national problems.

AnaMaria Seglie Clawson

HIST/AMER 324 Poverty, Charity and Welfare in American History
This course will examine poverty in American history, from the 18th Century until today. In class we will examine primary and secondary sources to understand why some Americans were poor and how they coped with the insecurity and instability of poverty, and to investigate America's various anti-poverty crusades.

Yet the questions that Americans have asked about poverty are still pressing today. So in this course students will also spend time working and serving in Green Bay homeless shelters like St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter in order to better understand the causes and effects of poverty in Green Bay, as well as varying attempts to ease the problem of poverty. In discussion and writing, students will reflect on their experiences and make connections to the history of poverty and anti-poverty efforts. In the end, students will be asked to consider the role they can play in fostering social and economic justice.

Abby Trollinger

MATH 123: Contemporary Mathematics
In this course, students engage with mathematics in a broad way, through real-world applications, emphasizing applications related to communio and social justice. Topics include income inequality, voting, and redistricting. Our first unit is about the mathematical community, in general, with reflection on who is invited and encouraged to fully participate in mathematics. Students will engage with school-aged partners in reflecting on their experiences, positive and negative, in
the mathematics classroom with the objective of developing a stronger, more
welcoming mathematical community.

Jonathan Dunbar

PHYS 100 Physics in the Arts
This course will examine the underlying physics involved in photography and music. Main topics will include waves, reflection and refraction, lenses, the eye, oscillations and resonance, the ear, and musical instruments. Lectures and one laboratory period per week. Basic algebra and geometry knowledge will be assumed.

This class will be a community engagement course, with students preparing and leading workshops relating to physics in the arts for local elementary students during the last week.

Erik Brekke

PSYC 230 Adult Development and Aging
This course is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of older adults. In this course we will explore the social, cognitive, and physical aspects of human aging. Emphasis will be on the normative aspects of adulthood and aging, as well as the important role of biological and cultural factors on the aging process.

To gain firsthand knowledge, students will meet with an older adult from the community once a week. Students are expected to spend 30 hours engaged in the service learning portion of the course.

Raquel Lopez

PSYC 289 Adolescent Development
The Adolescent Psychology course will focus on helping students foster a greater understanding of the cognitive, social, and physical changes occurring between puberty and late adolescence. To promote a deeper appreciation for the myriad of changes occurring during this time, students in this course will be expected to demonstrate their learning through successfully completing a class project in conjunction with a community partner.

Raquel Lopez

PSYC 315 Childhood Adversity and Resilience
This course is designed to give students a multilevel perspective on the social, biological and neurological consequences of childhood adversity, such as poverty, maltreatment and institutionalization. Students will learn about the importance of timing and duration of adversity as well as type of adversity. Childhood adversity and its influence on the child’s social attachments, biological health and mental well-being is also examined. Emphasis is placed on understanding how the biological realities of early adversity contribute to various emotional and behavioral problems later in life. Students also consider how some children appear resilient in the face of these challenges while other children face lifelong obstacles due to their experiences. In addition to learning about the forms of adversity faced by children, students serve children at risk for these experiences during the semester by working with a pre-selected community partner. Students are expected to complete 30 hours of service during the course of the semester. Prerequisites: PSYC 100, PSYC 301. Odd fall semester.

Raquel Lopez

SOCI 233A Sociology of Education
Do schools matter? This course will seriously examine this question by investigating the complex ways in which schools and society interact. To do this, we will examine the historical development of schools in America, but our primary focus will be a close investigation of the ways in which schools are embedded in racial, economic, social, and geographic contexts. We will also turn our attention to how teachers, parents, and students interact within the classroom. In the end, our primary goal is to understand when and how schools contribute to inequality and stratification, and how public policy and culture influences when and how schools matter. This is a community-engaged course that includes a substantial service component. Students will serve as teachers’ assistants in local classrooms, ultimately volunteering for a minimum of 20 hours over the course of the semester. This fieldwork will serve as the grounding for mastering course content and completing course assignments.

Erinn Brooks

SPAN 300B Making Connections: Conversation, Composition and Culture
This section of Spanish 300 offers students the unique opportunity to to use their language skills in a real-world setting as they engage with Spanish speakers in the local community and/or globally. Students will process these experiences in class discussion in combination with cultural readings, films, review of grammar, and the development of speaking and writing skills.

Brad Ellis

Katie Ginsbach


THRS 307 Black Theology
This course examines and enriches the Christian theological tradition through the experiences of Black people. Beginning with a January 2023 Civil Rights trip to Montgomery, AL; Selma, AL; and Atlanta, GA, participants will familiarize themselves with the history that forms the decisive backdrop for Black theological reflection. In the classroom during the Spring Semester, course participants will not only learn about slave and African-American Christianity; African-American history; and black philosophical perspectives, they will also be exposed to Black theological reflections in areas such as Christology and Ethics. In this community-engaged course, students, working alongside local pastors with Christian communities in the Green Bay area, will design experiences that allow these faith communities to deepen their antiracist commitments. 


THRS 313 Interfaith Leadership in America
This course prepares students to consider and develop their own place as leaders in the interfaithlandscape of the United States. We begin by mapping the interreligious history and landscape of America, exploring some of the world’s prominent religious traditions through the lives of their practitioners within our own borders--including on-site visits to various communities. We then define the concept of “interfaith leadership” through investigating the work of prominent interfaith leaders in America’s history.

Andrew O'Connor

THRS/WMGS 324 Women in the Bible
This course engages the narratives about women in the biblical texts, including the afterlives of those female figures in art, film, novels, and social history. Students will regularly volunteer with local agencies that seek to improve the lives of women (and their dependent children) and bring those experiences to bear on our classroom discussions. Critical, reflective journaling and written analysis of the volunteering experiences will constitute some of the assignments for the course. 

Kathleen Gallagher Elkins

THRS 325B Providence, Suffering and Freedom
As a Community Engagement and Academic Service Learning course students will read various theological and literary texts on the topic coupled with reflecting on this central theological issue in light of their engagement working with various constituencies in the local community.

Students will work in various settings (e.g., Hospice, homeless shelter, prison, veteran programs) for two hours per week for a minimum of ten weeks. Students will keep journals and will participate in a weekly discussion during class time of their experience and how these experiences have confirmed, challenged, or conflicted with their understanding of God’s presence in the world in relationship with human freedom and suffering.

Howard Ebert

THRS 331 Judaism and Christianity: The Holocaust
This course focuses on the complex relationship between Jews and Christians over time, especially engaging the Nazi genocide of the Jews in the 1930s and 40s. By approaching this relationship from a theological perspective, the course encourages students to ask difficult questions about interreligious understanding, religious violence, God's role in suffering, and the connection between history and theology.

In order to enhance students' academic learning and to make theoretical ideas concrete, students will partner with, for example, local agencies like COMSA (Community Services Agency) or Casa ALBA Melanie to work with and learn from people of different religious/cultural backgrounds who have come to the US as refugees or immigrants.

Kathleen Gallagher Elkins

THRS 333 Christian Ethics
This course explores the connection between being a Christian and being a morally responsible person. It will attend to foundational questions of ethics, such as “What kinds of persons should we be?” “What should we do?” and “What sort of communities should we construct?” It therefore focuses on three dynamic, interdependent dimensions of morality: character, choices, and community. We will discuss concrete social issues, such as immigration and homelessness, from a theological-ethical perspective. The course is designated as a CENG course, which means this is a community-engaged course. Your engagement in the community enables you to contribute to justice work in Green Bay and, simultaneously, to more fully understand and critically engage course content.

Bridget Burke Ravizza

THRS 350 Christianity and Religious Diversity
In what ways is Christian, theological self-understanding informed by encountering non-Christian religions and the "Religious Other"? This course investigates this question with particular attention to interfaith cooperation and cooperative action. First we examine Christian theological resources — both traditional and emerging — for understanding religious diversity. Secondly we explore the development, beliefs, and practices of the Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic traditions. Students draw on the Christian theological framework to answer constructively questions about the relationship between Christianity and these religious groups. This class has a Community Engagement component.

Andrew O'Connor
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