Earn College Credit at Your School or Ours!
St. Norbert College provides options for high school students looking to experience – and earn credit for – college courses prior to high school graduation.
Early College Credit Program
The Early College Credit Program allows high school students to take college courses on the St. Norbert campus.
College Jumpstart
College Jumpstart allows high school students to take St. Norbert College courses in their high school. The material for these courses is taught by their high school teachers on behalf of St. Norbert College.
Non-Degree Seeking Students
High school students can apply to take a course at SNC by filling out the application for registration as a non-degree seeking student. Just select the appropriate form and make note of where to send once completed.
Non-Degree Student Course Request Form (applicants over 18)
Non-Degree Student Course Request Form (applicants under 18)
WAICU-ECCP-High School Special Form