In the News
In the News
Regular Features

In My Words
Fine Print, Great Passions
The annual Academic Awards Dinner is a highlight of the spring semester. President Brian Bruess ’90 reflects on the real message underlying the stories he heard there.
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Personally Speaking
Wise Women, Funny Women
“If there’s one thing I learned from the trinity of women in whose generative shadows I became the person I am, it’s that wise women can stand up and step up in part because they know when to laugh.” – Julie (Donovan) Massey ’87 (Mission & Student Affairs)
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The Contrabass Trombone
His thesis on the use of the contrabass trombone laid the foundation for his scholarly reputation. Eric High (Music) talks about the opportunities the instrument continues to offer him.
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Alumni Profile
Finding Beauty in Forgotten Homes
Steel-toed boots and an old St. Norbert College sweatshirt. That’s what Cassie (Herrmann) Wenzel ’07 wears to work pretty much every morning, and she wouldn’t want it any other way.
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Big Picture
We Did It!
With business and administration major McKenna Egnarski ’19 and all her classmates, we share in the joy of achievement and celebrate four amazing years. Next up: the rest of their lives!
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Karlyn Crowley (CVC, English) on her road to Earlham College, on Quaker pedagogy and on the Earlham professors who inspired her own teaching.
Spenser Thompson Myers ’19 kicked his way into the record books, and the NFL took notice.
Our inner workings revealed in the Human Anatomy & Histology Course taught by Deb Anderson (Biology).
Tom Kunkel, president emeritus, joins Judy (Sprangers) Turba ’76 and two young Norbertines to talk about the writing of his “Man of Fire.”
“Mystery Over the Atlantic,” a case study by Jamie O’Brien (Business) is now available for use in classrooms around the world. Read it here, too!
This year’s Commencement speaker was the CEO of the Make-a-Wish Foundation.