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Preparing for Move-Out Day

SNC’s academic year will be ending in a few weeks. Here are some things you should be thinking about to best prepare.

  • Ask your student about academic advisement (April 3 and 9) and whether there are any holds on their student account. Holds are placed on accounts when there are unpaid bills. If there is a hold on the account, your student will not be able to register for the fall semester. Although holds are not common, they do occasionally occur.

  • If your student doesn’t have an internship lined up, they should check with the Academic Advising & Career Development Center. The office has a wealth of resources to assist with a search, and can also help students prepare for an internship they’ve already secured.

  • Parents of ’24 grads, now is a good time to make dining reservations if you’re planning to celebrate in town. For lodging, The Kress Inn is full, but here are some other possibilities.

  • Students should leave their forwarding address and a permanent email address with Alumni Engagement.

  • If any utility bills are in your name, make a note to have your student cancel the services or do it yourself.

  • SNC operates a Trash to Treasure program the last two or three weeks of the academic year. Its purpose is to encourage the recycling and reuse of unwanted items that students are willing to donate to their peers. Think futons, microwaves, lamps, kitchenware, etc. Remind your student to go through their belongings to see if there is something they can donate before pitching it.

  • Meal dollars must be used before the end of the semester or they will be lost. Custom Cash accounts, in contrast, retain their balances over the summer. If your student is graduating, Custom Cash accounts with balances of $25 or more are refundable.

  • Returning students are increasingly electing to store their items locally over the summer so they don’t have to haul things back and forth. Here are a few storage facilities in De Pere: Badger State Storage, De Pere Self Storage, Heritage Lake Storage, Stone Quarry Storage and U-Haul.