Disordered Eating
We are knowledgeable about eating disorders and can help you look at ways to address the issues that are causing disordered eating. We partner with the Health Services staff and certified dietician, Melissa Da Pra, in Dining Services to offer comprehensive care for this complex issue.
What are Eating Disorders?
Technically speaking, the “eating” in eating disorder refers to a set of eating habits, weight management practices and attitudes about weight and body shape. The “disorder” means that the eating-related attitudes and behaviors result in:
- Loss of self-control and other forms of behavioral inefficiency
- Obsession, anxiety, guilt and other forms of misery
- Alienation from self and others
- Physiological imbalances which are potentially life-threatening
Anorexia Nervosa is characterized primarily by self-starvation and excessive weight loss. Symptoms include:
- Refusal to maintain weight at or above the minimally normal weight for height and age
- Intense fear of weight gain
- Distorted body image
- Loss of three consecutive menstrual periods
- Extreme concern with body weight and shape
Bulimia Nervosa is characterized primarily by a secretive cycle of binge eating followed by purging. Symptoms include:
- Repeated episodes of binging and purging
- Feeling out of control during a binge
- Purging after a binge (vomiting, use of laxatives, diet pills, diuretics, excessive exercise or fasting)
- Frequent dieting
- Extreme concern with body weight and shape
If you are seeking help for an eating disorder or would like to learn more, please contact us at 920-403-3045 or email counseling@snc.edu.
Contact Us
Counseling Services Hours
Academic Hours:
Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Summer Hours:
Monday 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
After Hours
If you have a mental health crisis call Campus Safety at 920-403-3299, Prevea at 888-277-3832 or 988 for local crisis line.
Please contact our office to make a confidential appointment by:
Phone: 920-403-3266
Fax: 920-403-3099
Mulva Family Fitness and Sports Center
601 Third St.,
2nd Floor
Enter the Third St. entrance, turn right for elevator and stair access.