Geology students reviewing a topographical map. background

Course Catalog

Art and Creative Democracy

This course explores the idea of art and creative democracy through a combination of individual and collaborative project development, community engagement, as well as research and reflection on a variety of related topics and concepts. Recently, an increasing number of artists, curators, critics, and arts administrators have begun to turn their energies toward a new type of participatory social practice art that seeks to bring about positive change within a contemporary society confronted by complex issues and challenges on many fronts. To thrive, democratic societies need citizens to participate in their community for the common good. To understand our role as citizens in a democracy we will explore the work of artists who critically or creatively examine ideas and forms of democracy. Through a combination of readings, reflections, discussions of democratic theory, contemporary art, and art history, as well as a class community engagement component, and individual and class collaborative art projects, this course will familiarize students with the theory and practice of democracy through the emerging field of social practice art and its interdisciplinary, research-based, community-engaged methods. Fall semester, even-numbered years.

Advanced Core Curriculum Designation: IS
Grade Basis: Letter Grade