
Humans of St. Norbert: Mallory '24 & Emily Names '22
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Humans of St. Norbert: Mallory '24 & Emily Names '22

Humans of St. Norbert

Mallory: “[In high school] when Emily was a senior and I was a sophomore, my parents had both of us tour colleges together so we didn't have to do it my senior year. We both came here one fall afternoon and we were touring around and both really liked it. Then Emily decided to go here and play soccer here as well. It seemed like she was doing well on the soccer team and enjoyed the atmosphere of that. My senior year rolled around and I was pretty confident I would end up here.”

Emily: “I think I talked it up real big because I was having a great time and had a really good experience my first two years. She came to visit me and I showed her around, brought her to soccer practice so she met people and met our coach early.

“Now that we are here I feel like we are both pretty busy and have a lot of different things going on. It's nice to have things together like soccer because if it wasn't for that, I don't know how much I'd really see her.

Mallory: “Soccer brings us together on a daily basis which is nice but it is also nice to not be glued at the hip and have a difference of a two year gap. My mom always said growing up that your sisters are your best friends and coming here I know that Emily is going to be one of my best friends for life.”

Emilly: “We played in high school together but college soccer is just a new experience because we spend way more time together. We practice everyday and go on trips every weekend. It's a different level.”

Mallory: “I would say we compete with each other harder than most people on the team. More so than we do with the rest of our teammates. That probably sprouted in our backyard games of soccer. It's a healthy and fun thing. We hold each other accountable on the team a lot because we aren’t afraid to offend each other. Whatever I say to her, she may get hurt but we’re sisters and we will be that at the end of the day.” – Mallory ’24 and Emily Names ’22