
Humans of St. Norbert: Tyler Bennett ’21
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Portrait of student Tyler Bennett

Humans of St. Norbert: Tyler Bennett ’21

Humans of St. Norbert:

“I've been ski patrolling for five years. I started before I could drive! I got into that because both my parents were big into ski patrol when they were younger. It's super exciting because you never know what you're getting. You have to try out so that they can make sure that you are able to ski and then, I think, it was three or four months of twice-a-week training. It's very similar to getting an EMT certification but without vehicle extraction. You also do toboggan training and things like that during the year. So it's like a season long process to get certified and every year we do a training camp and a little refresher course.

“I think [my interest in] mountain biking kinda just evolved from the skiing cause during the summer, you just have nothing to do so I fell in love with that. This summer, I'm gonna try to get into bike patrol. It's pretty much just ski patrol but biking.

“[Next, I want to try] rock climbing. I think it would be so cool! I’m going to grad school in Madison next year so I will be further away from skiing and biking than I've ever been. So starting climbing will be really fun. Eventually, I would like to get into ski mountaineering but that's a ways down the line. I really love the adventure aspect of that and going somewhere where someone else hasn't.” – Tyler Bennett ’21