Presidential Campaigns in the Age of Social Media: Clinton and Trump. Peter Lang. (with William L Benoit)
Persuasive attacks on Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential primary. Rowman & Littlefield. (With William L. Benoit)
Henry Rollins’ rhetoric of atonement: An apology for offensive comments about suicide. Journal of Communication Inquiry.
Internet radio adopts a human touch: A study of 12 streaming music services. Journal of Radio and Audio Media.
“You can’t run your SUV on cute.” Let’s Go! Internet memes as delegitimizing discourse. Environmental Communication. (with Corey B. Davis and David R. Novak)
A functional analysis of 2013 mayoral campaign web pages. Speaker & Gavel, 53, 43-63. (With Corey B. Davis and Jeffrey R. Delbert)
The Floyd Landis doping scandal: Implications for Image Repair Discourse. Public Relations Review.